At Christmas we donate for children.
The Christmas donation has already become a tradition for Pontacol. For 5 years now we have been helping to put a smile on children’s faces. On the one hand, we support the Theodora Foundation in Switzerland and the Hörer helfen Kinder e.V. association in Germany.

Since 1993, the Theodora Foundation has been pursuing the goal of brightening up the everyday life of children in hospitals and in specialized institutions with joy and laughter. Every year, the dream doctors give laughter and moments of happiness to thousands of children in Switzerland.
The recognized non-profit foundation does not seek any government subsidies. Funding for the weekly artist visits is based entirely on support from donors and partners.

Radio Hamburg, together with the charitable and non-profit association Radio Hamburg Hörer helfen Kinder e.V., has dedicated itself to child and youth welfare.
Since 1988, Hamburg’s most listened-to station has been collecting for those who cannot help themselves. Since then, more than 9 million euros in donations have been collected. The money is distributed to sick and disabled children, to the youngest in need and to charitable organizations for children and young people in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony.